This isn't really uh... anything, are you sure you uploaded the right version and not only just the first scene?
This isn't really uh... anything, are you sure you uploaded the right version and not only just the first scene?
Wow that sucked.
Glad to be a part of this!
Ehhhhhh, this was okaaaaay, and by that i mean the last joke barely saved it, but every other joke in this toon has been done by literally every other gaming webcomic and internet parody in the early to late 2000s.
Great points! thank you
Nice to see some lupin love.
I liked the beginning, kinda lost me at the middle and then was angry at the ending.
I mean... It's not really an episode, just a full length version of the theme song, but hey, it's well animated and i enjoyed it well enough, nice sweet,cute, and extremely well animated.
You sure did learn how to put ONE other author's newgrounds account in the credits, but i guess you shoved the rest of the animator's credits in the description box that everyone quickly scrolls past by, Progress! yay! you almost did it correctly!
Look, only 3 people who work on this show have Newgrounds accounts. And when I credit them, apparently they have to approve it or else they won't show up. One animator so far is the only one to see my request and approve it. Also, I guarantee you'll watch our next episode (#5) coming right after Christmas, and it'll be our longest yet at 12 minutes!
Shrek's got that pull.
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Age 27, Male
Joined on 1/25/11